Source code for petgem.common

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Author:  Octavio Castillo Reyes
# Contact:
"""Define common operations for **PETGEM**."""

# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Load python modules
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
import time
import yaml
import sys
import os
import numpy as np
from functools import wraps
from colorama import Fore
from singleton_decorator import singleton

# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Load petgem modules (BSC)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
from .parallel import MPIEnvironment

# ###############################################################
# ################     CLASSES DEFINITION      ##################
# ###############################################################

# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Class Print definition
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Print(object): """ This class provides methods for pretty print. :param object str: string to be printed. :return: None. :rtype: None. """ # Options for Gauss points computation (switch case) _options = { 1: Fore.BLACK, 2: Fore.BLUE, 3: Fore.CYAN, 4: Fore.GREEN, 5: Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX, 6: Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX, 7: Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX, 8: Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX, 9: Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX, 10: Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, 11: Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX, 12: Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, 13: Fore.MAGENTA, 14: Fore.RED, 15: Fore.WHITE, 16: Fore.YELLOW } # Constructor def __init__(self, text, color_code=None): """Constructor.""" self._log(text, color_code) # Logging method def _log(self, text, color_code=None): """ Configure and prints a text. :param str text: text to be printed. :param int color_code: text color code. :return: None. """ # Verify if color_code is None, then use black color if color_code is None: color_code = int(16) set_color = self._options[color_code] print(set_color + text) sys.stdout.flush() return
[docs] @classmethod def header(self): """Print the header. :param: None. :return: None. :rtype: None. """ # Specific color code for printing the header color_code = 5 if( MPIEnvironment().rank == 0 ): self._log(self, '%'*75, color_code) self._log(self, '%%%' + ' '*69 + '%%%', color_code) self._log(self, '%%%'+ 'PETGEM'.center(69) + '%%%', color_code) self._log(self, '%%%'+ 'Parallel Edge-based Tool for Electromagnetic Modelling'.center(69) + '%%%', color_code) self._log(self, '%%%' + ' '*69 + '%%%', color_code) self._log(self, '%'*75, color_code) self._log(self, '%%%' + ' '*69 + '%%%', color_code) self._log(self, '%%% (c) Octavio Castillo-Reyes' + ' '*40 + '%%%', color_code) self._log(self, '%%% Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS), 2021' + ' '*19 + '%%%', color_code) self._log(self, '%%%' + ' '*69 + '%%%', color_code) self._log(self, '%'*75, color_code) return
[docs] @classmethod def master(self, text, color_code=None): """ If the caller is the master process, this method prints a message. :param: None. :return: None. :rtype: None. """ if( MPIEnvironment().rank == 0 ): self._log(self, text, color_code) return
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # Class InputParameters definition # ---------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class InputParameters(object): """Method to import a yaml parameter file. :param dict object: user params yaml file. :return: user parameters as object view. :rtype: object. """ def __init__(self, params, parEnv): """Class constructor. :param str params: yaml parameters file. :param object parEnv: parallel environment object. :return: InputParameters object. :rtype: object """ # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Read the input parameters file # --------------------------------------------------------------- with open(params, 'r') as f: # The FullLoader parameter handles the conversion from YAML # scalar values to the Python dictionary format inputs = yaml.safe_load(f) # Get set of parameters self.model = inputs['model'] = inputs['run'] self.output = inputs['output'] # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Check modeling mode # --------------------------------------------------------------- if not ('mode' in self.model.keys()): Print.master(' Modeling mode not provided. Please, verify the parameter file consistency.') exit(-1) else: if not ((self.model.get('mode') == 'csem') or (self.model.get('mode') == 'mt')): Print.master(' Modeling mode not supported.') exit(-1) # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Check parameters consistency for csem mode # --------------------------------------------------------------- if (self.model.get('mode') == 'csem'): if not ('csem' in self.model.keys()): Print.master(' csem parameters not provided. Please, verify the parameter file consistency.') exit(-1) else: # Check consistency of csem params conductivity_from_file, num_polarizations = self.__verify_CSEM_params__(self.model) # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Check parameters consistency for mt mode # --------------------------------------------------------------- elif (self.model.get('mode') == 'mt'): if not ('mt' in self.model.keys()): Print.master(' mt parameters not provided. Please, verify the parameter file consistency.') exit(-1) else: # Check consistency of mt params conductivity_from_file, num_polarizations = self.__verify_MT_params__(self.model) # Update number of models, interpolation strategy and # polarization modes{'conductivity_from_file': conductivity_from_file}){'num_polarizations': num_polarizations}) # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Check consistency of common parameters # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Mesh if not ('mesh' in self.model.keys()): Print.master(' mesh parameter not provided. Please, verify the parameter file consistency.') exit(-1) # Receivers if not ('receivers' in self.model.keys()): Print.master(' receivers parameter not provided. Please, verify the parameter file consistency.') exit(-1) # Basis order if not ('nord' in Print.master(' nord parameter not provided. Please, verify the parameter file consistency.') exit(-1) else: if (('nord') < 1) or ('nord') > 6)): Print.master(' Vector finite element basis order not supported. Please, select a valid order (1,2,3,4,5,6).') exit(-1) # Cuda support if not ('cuda' in{'cuda': False}) else: if not (('cuda') is False) or ('cuda') is True)): Print.master(' cuda option not supported. Please, select a valid order (True/False).') exit(-1) # Output if not ('vtk' in self.output.keys()): self.output.update({'vtk': False}) if not ('directory' in self.output.keys()): Print.master(' output directory parameter not provided. Please, verify the parameter file consistency.') exit(-1) else: if(parEnv.rank == 0): if not os.path.exists(self.output.get('directory')): os.mkdir(self.output.get('directory')) # If not scratch directory, use output directory if not ('directory_scratch' in self.output.keys()): self.output.update({'directory_scratch': self.output.get('directory')}) self.output.update({'remove_scratch': False}) else: if(parEnv.rank == 0): if not os.path.exists(self.output.get('directory_scratch')): os.mkdir(self.output.get('directory_scratch')) self.output.update({'remove_scratch': True}) return def __verify_CSEM_params__(self, data): """Verify consistency of CSEM parameters :param dict data: csem dictionary :return: input conductivity model from file or array. :rtype: bool """ # Get csem parameters csem_params = data.get('csem') # One "polarization mode" per csem model num_polarizations = # Check consistency for csem modeling # Check sigma consistency if not ('sigma' in csem_params.keys()): Print.master(' csem parameters not provided. Please, verify the parameter file consistency.') exit(-1) else: # Get sigma parameters i_sigma = csem_params.get('sigma') # Conductivity file if ('file' in i_sigma.keys()): # No vectors conductivity if (('horizontal' in i_sigma.keys()) or ('vertical' in i_sigma.keys())): Print.master(' sigma parameters invalid. Please, verify the parameter file consistency.') exit(-1) else: conductivity_from_file = True # Vector conductivity elif (('horizontal' in i_sigma.keys()) and ('vertical' in i_sigma.keys())): # No file conductivity if ('file' in i_sigma.keys()): Print.master(' sigma parameters invalid. Please, verify the parameter file consistency.') exit(-1) else: conductivity_from_file = False else: Print.master(' sigma parameters invalid. Please, verify the parameter file consistency.') exit(-1) # Check source consistency if not ('source' in csem_params.keys()): Print.master(' source parameters not provided. Please, verify the parameter file consistency.') exit(-1) else: # Get source parameters i_source = csem_params.get('source') # Check number of source parameters if not (len(i_source) == 6): Print.master(' number of source parameters is not consistent. Please, verify the parameter file consistency.') exit(-1) else: base_params = ['frequency', 'position', 'azimuth', 'dip', 'current', 'length'] for i in np.arange(6): if not (base_params[i] in i_source.keys()): m = ' ' + base_params[i] + ' parameter not provided. Please, verify the parameter file consistency.' Print.master(m) exit(-1) return conductivity_from_file, num_polarizations def __verify_MT_params__(self, data): """Verify consistency of MT parameters :param dict data: mt dictionary :return: input conductivity model from file or array. :rtype: bool """ # Get mt parameters mt_params = data.get('mt') # Check consistency for all mt models # Get model parameters # Check sigma consistency if not ('sigma' in mt_params.keys()): Print.master(' mt parameters not provided. Please, verify the parameter file consistency.') exit(-1) else: # Get sigma parameters i_sigma = mt_params.get('sigma') # Conductivity file if ('file' in i_sigma.keys()): # No vectors conductivity if (('horizontal' in i_sigma.keys()) or ('vertical' in i_sigma.keys())): Print.master(' sigma parameters invalid. Please, verify the parameter file consistency.') exit(-1) else: conductivity_from_file = True # Vector conductivity elif (('horizontal' in i_sigma.keys()) and ('vertical' in i_sigma.keys())): # No file conductivity if ('file' in i_sigma.keys()): Print.master(' sigma parameters invalid. Please, verify the parameter file consistency.') exit(-1) else: conductivity_from_file = False else: Print.master(' sigma parameters invalid. Please, verify the parameter file consistency.') exit(-1) # Check frequency and polarization parameters base_params = ['frequency', 'polarization'] for i in np.arange(2): if not (base_params[i] in mt_params.keys()): m = ' ' + base_params[i] + ' parameter not provided for model. Please, verify the parameter file consistency.' Print.master(m) exit(-1) # Determine number of polarization modes num_polarizations = len(mt_params.get('polarization')) return conductivity_from_file, num_polarizations
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # Class Timer definition # ---------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Timer(): """ Definition of timer class. """ # Attributes elapsed = None # Initializing def __init__(self, elapsed = 0): """Constructor.""" self._start = 0 self.elapsed = elapsed # Start timer
[docs] def start(self): """Start timer.""" self._start = time.time()
# Stop timer
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop timer.""" if(self._start > 0): self.elapsed += time.time() - self._start self._start = 0
# Reset timer
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset timer.""" self.elapsed = 0
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # Class Timers definition # --------------------------------------------------------------- @singleton class Timers(): """ Defintion of timers class. """ # Initializing def __init__(self, opath = None): """Constructor.""" # Create private dict for storing the timers self._elems = {} # Set the output path for writting the times report self._opath = opath # Obtain the process rank once self.rank = MPIEnvironment().rank # Prepare the output file self._out = None self._header = False if MPIEnvironment().rank == 0 and self._opath: # Save times for parallel scalability test out_filename = self._opath + '/times.txt' if os.path.isfile(out_filename): self._out = open(out_filename, 'a') else: self._out = open(out_filename, 'w') self._header = True # Get an specific timer def __getitem__(self, key): """Get item name for timer.""" return self._elems.setdefault(key, Timer()) # Set a specific def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Set item name for timer.""" self._elems[key] = Timer(value) # Write report def _write(self): """Write timer.""" # Obtain the MPI environment parEnv = MPIEnvironment() # Create empty lists block = [] time = [] for key, value in self._elems.items(): total = parEnv.comm.allreduce(value.elapsed, op=parEnv.MPI.SUM) / parEnv.num_proc block.append(key) time.append(total) if( parEnv.rank == 0): if( self._header): self._out.write(" | # proc |" + "".join('%20s | ' % t for t in block) + "\n") self._out.write(" | %-6s |" % parEnv.num_proc + "".join('%20.3f | ' % t for t in time) + "\n") self._out.close() # Deleting def __del__(self): """Delete timers.""" rank = MPIEnvironment().rank # For each stored element for key, value in self._elems.items(): msg = ' [Process {:2d}] | {:40s} | {:4.3f} seconds'.format(rank, key, value.elapsed) Print(msg, color_code=4) self._write() # ############################################################### # ################ DECORATORS DEFINITION ################# # ############################################################### # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Decorators for code instrumentation # ---------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def measure_time(f = None, group = None, split = False): """"Implement method to measure execution time. Args: f: the decorated function group: the group name split: decides if all blocks in a group contribute to the same timer Returns: a function wrap """ def inner_function(function): @wraps(function) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # No group was specified if not group: name = function.__name__ # Each method is measured separately elif split: name = group + "." + function.__name__ # Each method contribute to the group time measure else: name = group # Timer start Timers()[name].start() # Execute the decorated method ret = function(*args, **kwargs) # Timer stop Timers()[name].stop() return ret return wrapper # For the decorate a method without providing arguments if f: return inner_function(f) return inner_function
[docs]def measure_all_class_methods(Cls): """"Implement a decorator to measure execution time for each method. Args: f: the decorated function Returns: a function wrap """ class DecoratedClass(object): def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): self.oInstance = Cls(*args,**kwargs) self.className = self.oInstance.__class__.__name__ def __getattribute__(self,s): try: x = super(DecoratedClass, self).__getattribute__(s) except AttributeError: pass else: return x x = self.oInstance.__getattribute__(s) if type(x) == type(self.__init__): # it is an instance method return measure_time(x, group=self.className, split=True) else: return x return DecoratedClass
# ############################################################### # ################ FUNCTIONS DEFINITION ################# # ###############################################################
[docs]def unitary_test(): """Unitary test for script."""
# TODO # ############################################################### # ################ MAIN ################# # ############################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Run unitary test # --------------------------------------------------------------- unitary_test()