#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Author: Octavio Castillo Reyes
# Contact: octavio.castillo@bsc.es
"""Define functions for mesh handling."""
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Load python modules
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
import numpy as np
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Load petgem modules (BSC)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
from .vectors import deleteDuplicateRows
from .vectors import invConnectivity
[docs]def computeEdges(elemsN, nElems):
"""Compute edges of a 3D tetrahedral mesh.
:param ndarray elemsN: elements-nodes connectivity.
:param int nElems: number of tetrahedral elements in the mesh.
:return: edges connectivity and edgesNodes connectivity.
:rtype: ndarray
# Extracts sets of edges
edges1 = elemsN[:, [0, 1]]
edges2 = elemsN[:, [1, 2]]
edges3 = elemsN[:, [0, 2]]
edges4 = elemsN[:, [0, 3]]
edges5 = elemsN[:, [1, 3]]
edges6 = elemsN[:, [2, 3]]
# Edges as sets of their nodes (vertices)
vertices = np.zeros([nElems*6, 2])
vertices[0::6] = edges1
vertices[1::6] = edges2
vertices[2::6] = edges3
vertices[3::6] = edges4
vertices[4::6] = edges5
vertices[5::6] = edges6
# Delete duplicate rows
[edgesNodes, edges] = deleteDuplicateRows(vertices)
# Build dofs matrix
edges = np.array(np.reshape(edges, (nElems, 6)), dtype=np.int)
# Build dofs to nodes connectivity
edgesNodes = np.array(edgesNodes, dtype=np.int)
return edges, edgesNodes
[docs]def computeFaces(elemsN, nElems):
r"""Compute the element\'s faces of a 3D tetrahedral mesh.
:param ndarray matrix: elements-faces connectivity.
:param int nElems: number of elements in the mesh.
:return: element/faces connectivity.
:rtype: ndarray
.. note:: References:\n
Rognes, Marie E., Robert Cndarray. Kirby, and Anders Logg. "Efficient
assembly of H(div) and H(curl) conforming finite elements."
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31.6 (2009): 4130-4151.
# Extracts sets of faces for each nedelec element order
faces1 = elemsN[:, [0, 1, 2]]
faces2 = elemsN[:, [0, 1, 3]]
faces3 = elemsN[:, [1, 2, 3]]
faces4 = elemsN[:, [0, 2, 3]]
# Faces as sets of their nodes (vertices)
vertices = np.zeros([nElems*4, 3])
vertices[0::4] = faces1
vertices[1::4] = faces2
vertices[2::4] = faces3
vertices[3::4] = faces4
[facesN, elemsF] = deleteDuplicateRows(vertices)
numFacesElement = 4
elemsF = np.array(np.reshape(elemsF, (nElems, numFacesElement)),
facesN = np.array(facesN, dtype=np.int)
return elemsF, facesN
[docs]def computeFacesEdges(elemsF, elemsE, nFaces, nElems):
r"""Compute the edge\'s faces connectivity
:param ndarray elemsF: elements-faces connectivity.
:param ndarray elemsE: elements-edges connectivity.
:param int nFaces: number of faces in the mesh.
:param int nElems: number of elements in the mesh.
:return: edges/faces connectivity.
:rtype: ndarray.
N = invConnectivity(elemsF, nFaces)
if nElems != 1:
N = np.delete(N, 0, axis=1)
# Allocate
facesE = np.zeros((nFaces, 3), dtype=np.int)
# Compute edges list for each face
for i in np.arange(nFaces):
iEle = N[i, 0]
edgesEle = elemsE[iEle,:]
facesEle = elemsF[iEle,:]
kFace = np.where(facesEle == i)[0]
if kFace == 0: # Face 1
facesE[facesEle[kFace],:] = [edgesEle[0], edgesEle[1], edgesEle[2]]
elif kFace == 1: # Face 2
facesE[facesEle[kFace],:] = [edgesEle[0], edgesEle[4], edgesEle[3]]
elif kFace == 2: # Face 3
facesE[facesEle[kFace],:] = [edgesEle[1], edgesEle[5], edgesEle[4]]
elif kFace == 3: # Face 4
facesE[facesEle[kFace],:] = [edgesEle[2], edgesEle[5], edgesEle[3]]
return facesE
[docs]def computeBoundaryElements(elemsF, bFaces, nFaces):
r"""Compute boundary elements.
:param ndarray elemsF: elements-faces connectivity.
:param ndarray bfaces: indexes of boundary faces.
:param int nFaces: number of faces in the mesh.
:return: indexes of boundary elements.
:rtype: ndarray
# Get to what element the boundary face belongs
N = invConnectivity(elemsF, nFaces)
bndElems = N[bFaces, :]
bndElems = np.delete(bndElems, 0, axis=1)
bndElems = np.reshape(bndElems, bndElems.size)
# Number of boundary elements
nBoundaryElems = bndElems.shape[0]
return bndElems, nBoundaryElems
[docs]def computeBoundaryFaces(elemsF, facesN):
"""Compute boundary faces of a tetrahedral mesh.
:param ndarray elemsF: elements-face connectivity.
:param ndarray facesN: faces-nodes connectivity.
:return: nodal-connectivity and indexes of boundary-faces, number of boundary faces.
:rtype: ndarray
# Sort indexes and add 1 position in order to use indexes as Matlab
A0 = np.sort(elemsF[:, 0]) + 1
I0 = np.argsort(elemsF[:, 0]) + 1
A1 = np.sort(elemsF[:, 1]) + 1
I1 = np.argsort(elemsF[:, 1]) + 1
A2 = np.sort(elemsF[:, 2]) + 1
I2 = np.argsort(elemsF[:, 2]) + 1
A3 = np.sort(elemsF[:, 3]) + 1
I3 = np.argsort(elemsF[:, 3]) + 1
# Number of faces
nFaces = elemsF.max()
# As consequence, dimensions of E must be increased
# 2 rows and 1 column
E = np.zeros((nFaces+2, 9))
E[A0, 1] = I0
E[A1, 2] = I1
E[A2, 3] = I2
E[A3, 4] = I3
# If the same face is listed in the same row of 'elemsF'
# more than, once it will simply be missed! Because of this we
# have to insert the following dummy variables in order to
# determine the boundary faces.
tmp = np.diff(A0) == 0
ind0 = np.where(tmp)[False]
tmp = np.diff(A1) == 0
ind1 = np.where(tmp)[False]
tmp = np.diff(A2) == 0
ind2 = np.where(tmp)[False]
tmp = np.diff(A3) == 0
ind3 = np.where(tmp)[False]
E[A0[ind0], 5] = 1
E[A1[ind1], 6] = 1
E[A2[ind2], 7] = 1
E[A3[ind3], 8] = 1
# Delete extra rows and column
E = np.delete(E, (0), axis=0)
E = np.delete(E, (0), axis=1)
# Final sorting
E = np.fliplr(E)
# Get boundary nodes by first examining which columns in E
# have only one nonzero element, meaning that this face is
# related to only one single tetra, which means it is on the
# boundary of the domain. Since faces are defined by their nodes,
# we have the boundary nodes too.
# Get boundary faces to nodes
ind = (E[:, 1] == 0)
bfacesN = np.array(np.transpose(facesN[ind, :]), dtype=np.int)
# Get indexes of boundary faces
ind = np.where(ind == True)
bFaces = np.array(np.transpose(ind), dtype=np.int)
size = bFaces.shape
nBoundaryFaces = size[0]
bFaces = bFaces.reshape((nBoundaryFaces))
return bfacesN, bFaces, nBoundaryFaces
[docs]def computeBoundaryEdges(edgesN, bfacesN):
"""Compute boundary edges of a tetrahedral mesh.
:param ndarray edgesN: edges-nodes connectivity.
:param ndarray bfacesN: boundary-faces-nodes connectivity.
:return: boundary-edges connectivity.
:rtype: ndarray
# Extracts sets of edges-nodes (add 1 to indexes - Matlab indexing)
edges1 = (bfacesN[[0, 1], :] + 1).transpose()
edges2 = (bfacesN[[1, 2], :] + 1).transpose()
edges3 = (bfacesN[[2, 0], :] + 1).transpose()
# Number of boundary-faces
dim = bfacesN.shape
nBoundaryFaces = dim[1]
# Boudary faces as sets of their edges (vertices)
vertices = np.zeros([nBoundaryFaces*3, 2])
vertices[0::3] = edges1
vertices[1::3] = edges2
vertices[2::3] = edges3
# Repeated setts of nodes (joint edges) are eliminated
[temp, _] = deleteDuplicateRows(vertices)
matrixs = np.concatenate((edgesN + 1, temp), axis=0)
tags = np.lexsort((matrixs[:, 1], matrixs[:, 0]))
matrixs = matrixs[tags]
ind0 = np.diff(matrixs[:, 0]) == 0
ind1 = np.diff(matrixs[:, 1]) == 0
# Concatenate vectors (vertical stack)
ind = np.vstack((ind0, ind1))
ind = ind.transpose()
# Which ones were reps? k is a vector of indexes to matrix
k = np.array(np.all(ind, axis=1).ravel().nonzero())
# tags(k) is an index vector to edgesN (matrix) and denotes those edges
# which are on boundary tags(k+1) is an index vector to matrix and
# matrix(tags(k+a)) is the same as bedges, but in different order.
# I could just return tags(k), but we want that the order is the same
# as in bEdgesN
tags2 = np.array(np.argsort(tags[k+1]))
bEdges = np.array(tags[k[0][tags2]], dtype=np.int)
bEdges = bEdges[0,:]
return bEdges
[docs]def computeBoundaries(dof_connectivity, dof_edges, dof_faces, bEdges, bFaces, Nord):
"""Compute the indexes of dofs boundaries and internal dofs.
:param ndarray dof_connectivity: local/global dofs list for elements
:param ndarray dof_edges: dofs index on edges
:param ndarray dof_faces: dofs index on faces
:param ndarray bEdges: boundary-edges connectivity with dimensions = (number_boundary_edges,1)
:param ndarray bfaces: indexes of boundary-faces = (number_boundary_faces, 1)
:param int Nord: polynomial order of nedelec basis functions
:return: indexes of internal dofs and indexes of boundary dofs
:rtype: ndarray
# Number of boundaries on edges
nBoundaryEdges = len(bEdges)
num_dof_in_edge = Nord
# Number of boundaries on faces
nBoundaryFaces = len(bFaces)
num_dof_in_face = Nord*(Nord-1)
# Get boundary dofs for edges
indx_boundary_edges = dof_edges[bEdges,:]
# Get boundary dofs for faces
if dof_faces.size == 0:
# No dofs on faces (first order, Nord==1)
indx_boundary_faces = np.zeros((1,0), dtype=np.int)
indx_boundary_faces = dof_faces[bFaces,:]
# Get indexes of boundary dofs
tmp1 = np.reshape(indx_boundary_edges, (nBoundaryEdges*num_dof_in_edge))
tmp2 = np.reshape(indx_boundary_faces, (nBoundaryFaces*num_dof_in_face))
indx_boundary_dofs = np.hstack((tmp1, tmp2))
# Get total number of dofs in the mesh
total_num_dofs = np.max(dof_connectivity) + 1
# Get indexes of inner dofs
indx_inner_dofs = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(0,total_num_dofs), indx_boundary_dofs)
return indx_inner_dofs, indx_boundary_dofs
[docs]def computeFacePlane(nodes, bFaces, bFacesN):
r"""Compute the plane id to which the boundary belongs.
:param ndarray nodes: nodes coordinates.
:param ndarray bFaces: indexes of boundary-faces.
:param ndarray bFacesN: boundary-faces-nodes connectivity.
:return: plane id to which the boundary belongs.
:rtype: ndarray
# Number of boundary faces
nBndFaces = np.size(bFaces)
# Get computational domain limits
min_x = np.min(nodes[:,0])
max_x = np.max(nodes[:,0])
min_y = np.min(nodes[:,1])
max_y = np.max(nodes[:,1])
min_z = np.min(nodes[:,2])
max_z = np.max(nodes[:,2])
# Set plane equation for each side
# We consider following configuration:
# g ------------- h
# /| /| where:
# / | / | a = [min_x, min_y, min_z]
# / | / | b = [max_x, min_y, min_z]
# / | / | c = [min_x, max_y, min_z]
# e --------------f | d = [max_x, max_y, min_z]
# | | | | e = [min_x, min_y, max_z]
# | |c --------|----|d f = [max_x, min_y, max_z]
# | / | / g = [min_x, max_y, max_z]
# | / | / h = [max_x, max_y, max_z]
# | / | /
# a ------------- b
# With xyz-axis:
# Z+ Y+
# | /
# | /
# |/
# ------X+
# Therefore, each plane of the cube is defined by two vectors:
# Bottom: ab, ac ---> flag: 0
# Left: ac, ae ---> flag: 1
# Front: ab, ae ---> flag: 2
# Rigth: bd, bf ---> flag: 3
# Back: dc, dh ---> flag: 4
# Top: ef, eg ---> flag: 5
# Initialize main points
a = np.array([min_x, min_y, min_z], np.float)
b = np.array([max_x, min_y, min_z], np.float)
c = np.array([min_x, max_y, min_z], np.float)
d = np.array([max_x, max_y, min_z], np.float)
e = np.array([min_x, min_y, max_z], np.float)
f = np.array([max_x, min_y, max_z], np.float)
g = np.array([min_x, max_y, max_z], np.float)
h = np.array([max_x, max_y, max_z], np.float)
# Compute normal vectors to planes
normal_bottom = np.cross(a-b, a-c)
normal_left = np.cross(a-c, a-e)
normal_front = np.cross(a-b, a-e)
normal_right = np.cross(b-d, b-f)
normal_back = np.cross(d-c, d-h)
normal_top = np.cross(e-f, e-g)
# Allocate space for tag plane
planeFace = np.zeros(nBndFaces, dtype=np.int)
plane_list = np.zeros(6, dtype=np.float)
# Solve plane equation for each boundary face
for i in np.arange(nBndFaces):
# Get nodes of face
faceNodes = nodes[bFacesN[:,i],:]
# Compute face centroid
centroid = np.sum(faceNodes, 0)/3.
# Solve equation for bottom plane
plane_list[0] = np.dot(normal_bottom, centroid-a)
# Solve equation for left plane
plane_list[1] = np.dot(normal_left, centroid-a)
# Solve equation for front plane
plane_list[2] = np.dot(normal_front, centroid-a)
# Solve equation for right plane
plane_list[3] = np.dot(normal_right, centroid-b)
# Solve equation for back plane
plane_list[4] = np.dot(normal_back, centroid-d)
# Solve equation for top plane
plane_list[5] = np.dot(normal_top, centroid-e)
# Get to what plane the face belongs
# Flags for faces:
# Bottom ---> flag: 0
# Left ---> flag: 1
# Front ---> flag: 2
# Rigth ---> flag: 3
# Back ---> flag: 4
# Top ---> flag: 5
planeFace[i] = np.where(np.abs(plane_list)<1.e-13)[0][0]
return planeFace
[docs]def unitary_test():
"""Unitary test for mesh.py script."""
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Standard module import