Source code for petgem.parallel

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Author:  Octavio Castillo Reyes
# Contact:
"""Define classes and functions for parallel computations within **PETGEM**."""

# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Load python modules
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
from mpi4py import MPI
from singleton_decorator import singleton
from petsc4py import PETSc

# ###############################################################
# ################     CLASSES DEFINITION      ##################
# ###############################################################

class MPIEnvironment():
    """MPI class definition."""

    def __init__(self):
        """Class for initialization of an MPI environment.

        :param: None.
        :return: class for MPI environment.
        :rtype: mpi_env class.
        # Store the MPI environment
        self.MPI = MPI

        # MPI communicator
        self.comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        # MPI process identifier
        self.rank = self.comm.Get_rank()
        # Size of the group associated with a communicator
        self.num_proc = self.comm.Get_size()
        # Machine name
        self.machine_name = self.MPI.Get_processor_name()


# ###############################################################
# ################     FUNCTIONS DEFINITION     #################
# ###############################################################

[docs]def createSequentialDenseMatrixWithArray(dimension1, dimension2, data): """Given an input array, create a sequential dense matrix in petsc format. :param int dimension1: matrix dimension (rows). :param int dimension2: matrix dimension (columns). :param ndarray data: data to be exported. :return: parallel matrix. :rtype: petsc parallel and dense matrix. """ parallel_matrix = PETSc.Mat().createDense([dimension1, dimension2], array=data, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF) parallel_matrix.setFromOptions() parallel_matrix.setUp() return parallel_matrix
[docs]def writeParallelDenseMatrix(output_file, data, communicator=None): """Write a Petsc parallel dense matrix which format is defined by two files: output_file.dat and :param str output_file: file name to be saved. :param petsc matrix data: dense matrix to be saved. :param str communicator: mpi communicator. :return: None. """ if communicator is None: communicator = PETSc.COMM_WORLD viewer = PETSc.Viewer().createBinary(output_file, mode='w', comm=communicator) viewer(data) return
[docs]def createSequentialVectorWithArray(data): """Given an input array, create a sequential vector in petsc format. :param ndarray data: data to be exported. :return: parallel matrix. :rtype: petsc parallel and dense matrix. """ parallel_vector = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(data, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF) parallel_vector.setUp() return parallel_vector
[docs]def writePetscVector(output_file, data, communicator=None): """Write a Petsc vector which format is defined by two files: output_file.dat and :param str output_file: file name to be saved. :param petsc vector data: array to be saved. :param str communicator: mpi communicator. :return: None. """ if communicator is None: communicator = PETSc.COMM_WORLD viewer = PETSc.Viewer().createBinary(output_file, mode='w', comm=communicator) viewer(data) return
[docs]def readPetscMatrix(input_file, communicator=None): """Read a Petsc matrix which format is defined by two files: input_file.dat and :param str input_file: file name to be readed. :param str communicator: mpi communicator. :return: petsc_matrix. :rtype: petsc sparse matrix. """ if communicator is None: communicator = PETSc.COMM_WORLD viewer = PETSc.Viewer().createBinary(input_file, mode='r', comm=communicator) petsc_matrix = PETSc.Mat().load(viewer) return petsc_matrix
[docs]def readPetscVector(input_file, communicator=None): """Read a Petsc vector which format is defined by two files: input_file.dat and :param str input_file: file name to be readed. :param str communicator: mpi communicator. :return: petsc_vector. :rtype: petsc vector. """ if communicator is None: communicator = PETSc.COMM_WORLD viewer = PETSc.Viewer().createBinary(input_file, mode='r', comm=communicator) petsc_vector = PETSc.Vec().load(viewer) return petsc_vector
[docs]def createParallelMatrix(dimension1,dimension2,nnz,matrix_type,communicator=None): """Create a parallel sparse matrix in petsc format. :param int dimension1: matrix dimension (rows). :param int dimension2: matrix dimension (columns). :param int nnz: not zero pattern for allocation. :param int matrix_type: matrix type for parallel computations. :param str communicator: mpi communicator. :return: parallel matrix. :rtype: petsc AIJ parallel matrix. """ if communicator is None: communicator = PETSc.COMM_WORLD if matrix_type: # Cuda support parallel_matrix = PETSc.Mat().create(comm=communicator) parallel_matrix.setType('aijcusparse') parallel_matrix.setSizes([dimension1, dimension2]) elif not matrix_type: # No cuda support parallel_matrix = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ([dimension1, dimension2], comm=communicator) else: raise ValueError('Cuda option=', matrix_type, ' not supported.') parallel_matrix.setPreallocationNNZ((nnz, nnz)) parallel_matrix.setFromOptions() parallel_matrix.setUp() return parallel_matrix
[docs]def createParallelVector(size, vector_type, communicator=None): """Create a parallel vector in petsc format. :param int size: vector size. :param int vector_type: vector type for parallel computations. :param str communicator: mpi communicator. :return: parallel vector. :rtype: petsc parallel vector. """ if communicator is None: communicator = PETSc.COMM_WORLD if vector_type: # Cuda support parallel_vector = PETSc.Vec().create(comm=communicator) parallel_vector.setType('cuda') parallel_vector.setSizes(size) elif not vector_type: # No cuda support parallel_vector = PETSc.Vec().createMPI(size, comm=communicator) else: raise ValueError('Cuda option=', vector_type, ' not supported.') parallel_vector.setUp() return parallel_vector
[docs]def createSequentialVector(size, vector_type, communicator=None): """Create a sequential vector in petsc format. :param int size: vector size. :param int vector_type: vector type for parallel computations. :param str communicator: mpi communicator. :return: sequential vector. :rtype: petsc sequential vector. """ if communicator is None: communicator = PETSc.COMM_SELF if vector_type == 0: # No cuda support sequential_vector = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(size, comm=communicator) elif vector_type == 1: # Cuda support sequential_vector = PETSc.Vec().create(comm=communicator) sequential_vector.setType('cuda') sequential_vector.setSizes(size) sequential_vector.setUp() return sequential_vector
[docs]def createParallelDenseMatrix(dimension1, dimension2, communicator=None): """Create a parallel dense matrix in petsc format. :param int dimension1: matrix dimension (rows). :param int dimension2: matrix dimension (columns). :param str communicator: mpi communicator. :return: parallel matrix. :rtype: petsc parallel and dense matrix. """ if communicator is None: communicator = PETSc.COMM_WORLD parallel_matrix = PETSc.Mat().createDense([dimension1, dimension2], comm=communicator) parallel_matrix.setFromOptions() parallel_matrix.setUp() return parallel_matrix
[docs]def writeDenseMatrix(output_file, data, communicator=None): """Write a Petsc dense matrix which format is defined by two files: output_file.dat and :param str output_file: file name to be saved. :param petsc matrix data: dense matrix to be saved. :param str communicator: mpi communicator. :return: None. """ if communicator is None: communicator = PETSc.COMM_WORLD viewer = PETSc.Viewer().createBinary(output_file, mode='w', comm=communicator) viewer.pushFormat(viewer.Format.NATIVE) viewer(data) return
[docs]def unitary_test(): """Unitary test for script."""
# ############################################################### # ################ MAIN ################# # ############################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Run unitary test # --------------------------------------------------------------- unitary_test()