Source code for petgem.vectors

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Author:  Octavio Castillo Reyes
# Contact:
"""Define standard vector and matrix functions."""

# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Load python modules
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
import numpy as np

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# ################     FUNCTIONS DEFINITION     #################
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[docs]def deleteDuplicateRows(matrix): """Delete duplicate rows in a matrix. :param ndarray matrix: input matrix to be processed. :return: matrix without duplicate rows :rtype: ndarray """ temp = np.copy(matrix) temp.sort(axis=1) [dummy, J, I] = findUniqueRows(temp, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) out = matrix[J, :] return (out, I)
[docs]def findUniqueRows(array, return_index=False, return_inverse=False): """Find unique rows of a two-dimensional numpy array. :param ndarray: array to be processed. :param bool return_index: the indices of array that result in the unique array. :param bool return_inverse: indices of the unique array that can be used to reconstruct array. :return: unique rows. :rtype: ndarray. """ array = np.ascontiguousarray(array) # View the rows as a 1D structured array. arv = array.view(array.shape[1] * [('', array.dtype)]) out = np.unique(arv, return_index=return_index, return_inverse=return_inverse) if isinstance(out, tuple): uarv = out[0] else: uarv = out # Restore the original dimensions. uar = uarv.view(array.dtype).reshape((-1, array.shape[1])) if isinstance(out, tuple): out = (uar,) + out[1:] else: out = uar return out
[docs]def is_duplicate_entry(x): """Compute number of duplicate entries in a vector. :param int-array x: matrix. :return: number of duplicate entries. :rtype: int. """ counts = np.bincount(x) duplicate_entries = np.where(counts > 1)[0] num_duplicate = duplicate_entries.size return num_duplicate
[docs]def invConnectivity(M, nP): """Compute the opposite connectivity matrix of M. :param ndarray M: connectivity matrix with dimensions = (nElems,eleOrder) :param int nP: number of nodes/edges/faces in matrix M. :return: connectivity matrix with dimensions = (nNodes,S), (nEdges,S) or (nFaces,S) :rtype: ndarray. .. note:: eleOrder determines the number of entities per element in matrix M, therefore 4 is the nodal element order, 6 is the edge element order and 3 is the element order of faces. S in the output is the maximum number of elements sharing a given node/edge/face If M represents a element/nodes connectivity, the function computes a node/elements connectivity. If M represents a element/edges connectivity, the function computes a edge/elements connectivity. If M represents a element/faces connectivity, the function computes a faces/elements connectivity. """ # Get matrix dimensions size = M.shape # Number of items nItems = size[0] # Element order orderEle = size[1] # Set maximum valence valence = 13 # Allocate N = np.zeros((nP,valence), nn = np.ones(nP, # Build matrix for i in np.arange(nItems): iele = M[i,:] nn_Te = nn[iele] for j in np.arange(orderEle): N[iele[j], nn_Te[j]] = i nn[iele] += # Delete zeros of matrix N N = np.delete(N, np.arange(np.max(nn)-1, valence), axis=1) return N
[docs]def unitary_test(): """Unitary test for script."""
if __name__ == '__main__': unitary_test()